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Sports & Fitness Instruction Regina

Chi Kung (Qigong) Spring 2019 - 6 weeks

Chi Kung (Qigong) Spring 2019 - 6 weeks image 1

COST: Class is $90 for six weeks. WHEN: April 7, 14 and 28 (no class April 21 for Easter), May 5, 12 and 26 (no class on May 19 for May long weekend). WHERE: It`s spring! On dry days we`ll meet in Wascana park near the bandstand. If it`s raining, then class will be at Fadadance, studio A at 1951 Toronto street. TIME: 3 to 4:30pm REGISTRATION: To reserve your spot, please send payments by e-transfer to at your earliest convenience. Other payment methods can also be arranged. COURSE INFO: Chi Kung (pronounced "Chee Gong") is the practice of identifying and removing tension in the body and learning how to fill up the space that the tension held with good circulation instead. This is accomplished using introception, which is about identifying and working with the sensations your body has (especially breathing muscles) when practicing Chi Kung. It is about healing old/new injuries, increasing our energy level, and bolstering our immune system. Our bodies are built with energy lines that are directly engaged using the skills of Chi Kung. Smooth flowing energy lines are what help to flush out present or potential illnesses. It's the nice thing about Chi Kung, the art of building up good chi flow and internal force: you don't have to be able to diagnose yourself with any specific ailment to use Chi Kung to keep you well (or get you better). Participants may find their practice more focused on either (1) removing blockages or on (2) increasing circulation and internal force. This all depends on their situation and current need. The exercises can be adjusted to accommodate participants with injuries or other limitations. For example, most exercises can be performed seated. Curriculum: we'll look at some stance training for building up internal force, some movements to focus on certain problem areas, and a formal set of movements to make sure that the whole body's circulation is addressed. In the last part of the class, we`ll get some imaging practice, and then we`ll end the session with some seated Chi Kung and visualization exercises. Feel free to send any questions you may have to either or message this Facebook page. Thank you so much for your interest! -Eric James

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