Houses For Rent Regina
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Houses For Rent Regina

Stop Renting NOW, with a Non-Traditional Down Payment!

Stop Renting NOW, with a Non-Traditional Down Payment! image 1

I have helped a number of people, who didn't have a "traditional" saved down payment, achieve home ownership. Let me connect you with the people that are ready, willing and able to help you do the same thing! You must have steady employment, good credit and the sincere want to own your own home and leave ridiculously high rent payments behind. Call Denise Keen, Sutton Group Results-Realty at 306-501-5670. Or e-mail Here's what one of my clients had to say: "The Regina rental market is very overpriced. If you're a renter, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know. I was recently in a position where I had to look for new accommodation, explored the Regina area, and was left feeling dejected. I was astonished at the prices that landlords wanted for very average houses. I was always led to believe that the only way to buy a home was to have the down payment saved. Ironically, after looking at mortgage calculators, the mortgage payment is often less than what I was paying in rent. I could realistically afford a mortgage payment for a home, but didn't have a down payment. Banks had made it clear that without the funds in my account, that to aspire to owning a home was a fruitless endeavor. Feeling as though I had no legitimate avenues towards getting out of my situation, I started exploring alternatives. I stumbled upon Denise Keen's ad. The ad that I saw alluded to her being able to help me get into a home without a down payment saved. I was skeptical but I called Denise, who promptly returned my call. After our pre-approval for a mortgage, it was time to go house hunting! Denise was responsive to the things that we were looking for in a home. She quickly had an accurate list of homes for us to peruse. We narrowed down the list to the ones that we wanted to see, and started looking. Throughout the process, Denise was very professional, accommodating, and helpful. Six weeks after the start of this process, we moved into our new home. I say with conviction and confidence that we couldn't have done this without the help of Denise Keen. If you feel like I did, I encourage you to call Denise. That skeptical phone call that I made to Denise was a life changing moment. I am now a homeowner. Jeremy M."

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